Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You Know You are a Zionist Fascist When...


Julia Riber Pitt said...

Wow, you posted the video I sent you. Thanks!

Julia Riber Pitt said...

Here's another good one:

Anonymous said...

LOL! You love an unemployed/unemployable nothing who failed as an academic.

I saw him shining shoes in the subway the other day.

Anonymous said...

haha that's all you can say.

Anonymous said...

hitler was a cruel man due to the fact that he killed ELEVEN MILLION PEOPLE.
secondly, who said jews werent in that land for thousands of years?
they also worked hard for their land and got a little peace.
did you not know that the land the jews were living which was split up was given to palestinians with them evacuated?
howveer when it came to israel the palestiinains were NOT forcefully removed.

thirdly, no they do not believe in killing and viloence for any kind of power-- WE DONT BOMB FAMILIES.

and self dteremined people... BY TERRORISM?

also, all the other things you say in this video or have posted are totally hypocritical.

please get your facts straight.